Documentation and forms
The scope of our opinions
What kind of opinions can be produced as part of the service?
What is an annual opinion?
What is the legal basis and opinion requirements for CHP?
Appeals and complaints
Current support system for electricity production in high-efficiency cogeneration
Contact information
The COCH Certification Department offers professional opinion services to energy enterprises that apply for bonus payments under the Law of December 14, 2018 on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration.
Who can use our services?
Our services are aimed at energy producers in the area of high-efficiency cogeneration who:
- Apply to the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) for support for electricity generated in a cogeneration unit.
- Have a license for the production of electricity in cogeneration in accordance with Article 33 (1) of the Act of April 10, 1997, Energy Law.
Our Competencies and Accreditations
The COCH Certification Department is accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation (PCA) under number AC 036 in the area of cogeneration opinions. We have qualified technical staff and guarantee independence and reliability in the preparation of test results in accordance withArticle 77(3) of the Law of December 14, 2018 on the Promotion of Electricity from High Efficiency Cogeneration (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 42, as amended).
Detailed information about the opinion process
The scope of our opinions
Our Prepared Opinions Confirm:
Electricity Data: The ability to generate a specific amount of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration, introduce it into the grid, and sell it within the first calendar year after obtaining or amending the license for electricity production, or after obtaining or amending the entry in the register of agricultural biogas producers.
Investment Cost Share: The percentage share of the incurred investment costs of significant modernization in relation to the value of the investment costs of a new comparable cogeneration unit as specified in the regulations issued under Article 59(3).
CO2 Emissions: The ability to meet a specific CO2 emission factor, not exceeding 450 kg of CO2 per 1 MWh of energy produced in the cogeneration unit.
What kind of opinions can be produced as part of the service?
I. For Guaranteed Premium
A producer intending to apply for the payment of a guaranteed premium must submit an application to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) for admission to the guaranteed premium system. The application should include an opinion from an accredited body confirming data on the amount of electricity that can be generated from high-efficiency cogeneration in the first calendar year:
a) In the case of a new or significantly modernized small cogeneration unit:
- after obtaining or amending the license to produce electricity, or
- after obtaining or amending the entry in the register of small installation energy producers, or
- after obtaining or amending the entry in the register of agricultural biogas producers.
b) In the case of a modernized cogeneration unit or a modernized small cogeneration unit:
- after the completion of modernization, as referred to in Article 5(3).
II. For Individual Guaranteed Premium
In the case of a modernized cogeneration unit, a producer intending to apply for the payment of an individual guaranteed premium must submit an application to the President of URE by September 30 of the year preceding the year of the premium payment. The application must include an opinion from an accredited body confirming:
- Data on the amount of electricity that can be generated from high-efficiency cogeneration in the first calendar year after the completion of modernization, as referred to in Article 5(3).
- The percentage share of the incurred investment costs of modernization in relation to the investment costs of a new comparable cogeneration unit, as specified in regulations issued under Article 59(3).
- The ability to meet the unit CO2 emission factor of no more than 450 kg per 1 MWh of energy produced in the cogeneration unit.
III. For Cogeneration Premium
Before submitting the first application for the payment of a cogeneration premium, the producer must provide the President of URE with an opinion from an accredited body confirming data on the amount of electricity that can be generated from high-efficiency cogeneration, introduced into the grid, and sold in the first calendar year:
- after obtaining or amending the license to produce electricity, or
- after obtaining or amending the entry in the register of agricultural biogas producers.
IV. For Individual Cogeneration Premium
Before submitting an application for the payment of an individual cogeneration premium, the producer must provide the President of URE with an opinion from an accredited body confirming data on the amount of electricity that can be generated from high-efficiency cogeneration, introduced into the grid, and sold in the first calendar year:
- after obtaining or amending the license to produce electricity, or
- after obtaining or amending the entry in the register of agricultural biogas producers.
What is an annual opinion?
By March 15th each year, producers of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration participating in support systems for electricity from cogeneration units are required to submit an annual CHP (Combined Heat and Power) report to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE). Along with the annual report concerning the amount of electricity fed into the grid and sold in the previous calendar year, an opinion from an accredited body must be provided. This opinion should be based on an audit conducted at the producer’s facility for the given cogeneration unit. Its purpose is to verify and confirm the accuracy of the data included in the report and the validity of the application for premium payment.
According to the Act on the Promotion of Electricity from High-Efficiency Cogeneration, this obligation applies to producers of electricity eligible to receive the following premiums:
- Guaranteed (PG);
- Individual Guaranteed (PGI);
- Cogeneration (PK);
- Individual Cogeneration (PKI); Additionally, this requirement applies to those participating in the support system in the form of CHP guarantees of origin (GPCHP).
For more information regarding the reporting requirements, please visit the URE website.
What is the legal basis and opinion requirements for CHP?
Legal Basis:
• The Act of April 10, 1997 – Energy Law • The Act of December 14, 2018, on the Promotion of Electricity from High-Efficiency Cogeneration • The Act of February 20, 2015, on Renewable Energy Sources • Regulation of the Minister of Energy of September 23, 2019, on the Method of Calculating Data for the Use of the Support System and the Detailed Scope of the Obligation to Confirm Data on the Amount of Electricity from High-Efficiency Cogeneration (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1851).
For more information, you can visit the relevant links:
- • Ustawa z dnia 10 kwietnia 1997 – Prawo energetyczne
• Ustawa z dnia 14 grudnia 2018 r. o promowaniu energii elektrycznej z wysokosprawnej kogeneracji
• Ustawa z 20 lutego 2015 r. o odnawialnych źródłach energii
• Rozporządzenie Ministra Energii z dnia 23 września 2019 r. w sprawie sposobu obliczania danych podanych na potrzeby korzystania z systemu wsparcia oraz szczegółowego zakresu obowiązku potwierdzania danych dotyczących ilości energii elektrycznej z wysokosprawnej kogeneracji (Dz.U. z 2019 r., poz. 1851).
Appeals and Complaints
Information on the procedure for handling complaints and appeals can be found at this link.
Current support system for electricity production in high-efficiency cogeneration
Current Support System for Electricity Production in High-Efficiency Cogeneration
Businesses aiming to enhance their competitiveness and energy efficiency can benefit from cogeneration technology, which simultaneously produces heat and electricity. Implementing cogeneration technology brings significant economic and environmental advantages to enterprises by reducing harmful gas emissions into the atmosphere.
Program Overview
The support program targets cogeneration plants connected to heating networks in Poland. The program has an annual budget of 500 million euros and is valid until December 31, 2028. Support is granted for the construction of new high-efficiency cogeneration plants, modernization of existing plants, and for existing high-efficiency cogeneration plants using gas.
Types of Support
High-efficiency cogeneration plants participating in the program receive support in the form of a premium added to the market price (“cogeneration premium”). The level of the cogeneration premium is determined through a competitive tender procedure or, in exceptional and clearly defined cases, administratively at a level that covers the difference between production costs and the market price of electricity. The cogeneration premium is granted until the supported installation is fully depreciated, for a maximum period of 15 years.
Program Goals
The Polish cogeneration program aims to contribute to energy efficiency and CO2 emission reductions, in line with the EU’s environmental and climate change goals.
Legal Basis
- Energy Law Act of April 10, 1997
- Act of December 14, 2018, on the Promotion of Electricity from High-Efficiency Cogeneration
- Act of February 20, 2015, on Renewable Energy Sources
- Regulation of the Minister of Energy of September 23, 2019, on the Method of Calculating Data Submitted for the Use of the Support System and the Detailed Scope of the Obligation to Confirm Data on the Amount of Electricity from High-Efficiency Cogeneration (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1851).
Further Information
For more details about cogeneration energy information, visit the URE website.
Why Choose COCH Certification?
Our Certification Department carries out the processes of issuing opinions to the applications and reports of enterprises applying for payment of premiums for high-efficiency cogeneration, in accordance with the Law on Promoting Electricity from High Efficiency Cogeneration.
Quality accreditation - a guarantee of trust
The Certification Department is accredited AC 036 and AC 056 by the Polish Accreditation Center and specializes in the certification of refrigeration destination products and personnel competence in the field of refrigeration.
Our team consists of qualified and experienced specialists who offer comprehensive assistance in the certification preparation and certification process, supervision and personnel competence development. With our services, we provide customers with reliable and professional service at every stage of cooperation.